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The Workers Republic of Germany was a socialist state in Europe that existed from 1928 following the German Revolution, to 1997 after its collapse.

Alternate Flag of the Workers Republic of Germany

Official flag of the Workers Republic of Germany.


German Revolution (1923-1928)[]

Due to Germany failing economically and losing the Polish independence war, Germans were angry with the right-wing conservative government, which followed will the formation of socialist and communist parties, and in 1923, when the German government shot 19 workers who stood up in the mines, revolution was declared, and the communists had the majority of the people's failure.


German revolutionaries fighting behind a barricade in the streets of Berlin.

After capturing northern Germany and having Berlin under siege, they moved down south, conquering southern Germany. Thousands of Catholics fled Germany, entering into Oldenburg, who welcome the fellow German refugees. The Communist German government was angry, and stopped all goods and services from coming into Oldenburg.

Finally, the gates of Berlin fell, and the Workers Republic of Germany, with its new capital in Cologne. Over the next few years, Germans accused of supporting the previous government was taken away, and never seen away, some lucky enough to be sent to tough work camps.


Opening of the German communist government in Cologne, 1928.

Purges and interwar period (1929-1948)[]

In 1942, Germany invaded Holland and all the other members of the Confederation of the Rhine, under the justification of 'liberating workers', although most historians agree that it was actually to put as much distance between the capital Cologne and potentially hostile nations.

After enforcing a surrender, Germany was expelled from the League of Countries, and Germany in response, release its conquered areas as communist satellite states, forming the Global Workers Association, consisting of itself, its puppets and a few other minor communist states from across the world, which was focuses as not only an alliance for communist nations but to share research and development with each other.


German and Nordic foreign ministers shaking hands after signing a treaty of alliance.

In 1941, Germany then strangely enough, formed an alliance with the Nordic Federation and the Waldstätte Pact (European members were Oldenburg, Danzig, Switzerland, Nordic Federation and Ottoman Empire), closely cooperating with Oldenburg and the Nordic Federation in the invasion of Denmark, each country taking their occupied lands respectively.

Throughout the mid 1940s, Germany invaded the newly independent Poland and Bohemia, until finally in 1948, German troops stationed in the Rhineland Republic crossed the French border, thus beginning the War of the West.

War of the West (1949-1963)[]


German warplanes bombing Paris, completely destroying the city.

With German troops invading France, president Louis Zebani called all the member of the League of Countries to join the defensive war, which they all hesitantly accepted, and ordered a full retaliation, sending the entire French army to fight the Germans. An offensive failed, and the German Liberation Army reached Paris by spring, but France did not surrender yet. In response, German missiles utterly destroyed the city of Paris, forever sending the historical city of Paris into the dustbins of history.

Finally, the rest of France was occupied in 1954, and the government fled to Spain. Now it was the Nordic Federation and Oldenburg's turn to help out their German allies. Operation Blue Tide was formulated, and in the late autumn of 1958, the powerful Nordic-Oldenburgian navy entered into the English sea zone, and thousands of troops landed on the shores of Northumberland and Lincolnshire, while German troops landed in Sussex and Kent.


German troops land on the shores of Kent, 1958.

The invasions of Northumberland, Lincolnshire and Kent were success, but the naval invasion of Sussex was a complete failure, as the English had intercepted a message calling for the attack on Sussex, and prepared a force to slaughter the invading troops. Meanwhile up north, Nordic and Oldenburgian troops conquered Scotland, and the Lincolnshire invasion force was pressing south, to the city of London. German troops in Kent raced up north too, hoping to capture the great city itself.

The English army was awaiting the three armies in the capital, and the Battle of London raged on for 2 years, until the city finally fell, and by then the rest of England had been occupied by Germany, Nordic Federation and Oldenburg, while in London, the southern side being occupied by the Germans, and the northern side by Oldenburg and the Nordic Federation, both separated by the Thames river. England then surrendered, and the treaty of London was signed.


German tanks patrolling the streets of London for partisans, shortly after the surrender of England.

  1. the Rhineland Republic will annex north-east France.
  2. France will be made into the French Commune, a satellite state of Germany, and will join the GWO.
  3. The Nordic Federation will annex Northumberland and a few other English provinces.
  4. Oldenburg will annex the port cities of Aberdeen, Hull, Inverness and the Isle of Mann.
  5. German occupied England will become the Workers Union of England.
  6. Oldenburgian occupied northern-Scotland will be released as a puppet state of Oldenburg, known as Gaeldom.
  7. The rest of occupied England will be made into the State of England, under a fascist prime minister.
  8. The remainder of Scotland will be made into the Republic of Scotland, which must be strictly neutral, and not join communist or nationalist sides.

Signed, October 19, 1963.

Modern Era and collapse (1964-1997)[]


German secret police present at a nationalist march in 1992.

Throughout the next period, cities of German became highly developed, and industrial production boomed. Relations with the Waldstätte Pact were cut-off in 1971, and relations between the two countries remained highly tense, especially during the Nordic-supported French civil war in 1978, which certainly helped lead to the collapse of the German Workers Republic.

Through the 1990s, countries in Europe seeing the successful French independence from the GWO, fought against Germany as well, and in 1993, the Waldstätte Pact declared war on the now-weakened German Workers Republic, and by 1997, with most of the army deserted, and the capital Cologne captured by Rhinelandic rebels, Germany collapsed.

Aftermath (1998-present)[]

In the aftermath, multiple countries were made into democracies and fascist states, while Oldenburg annexed surrounding areas, and the Nordic Federation annex the rest of Denmark and the northern German coast. The Workers Union of England meanwhile, refused to change to democracy, and so the Workers Union of England lies today, amid many sanctions, the last European member of the Global Workers Association, and its de facto leader.

Germany 1974 (41)

Even in Germany today, monuments and architecture from the Workers Republic remain prevalent today, reminding the German people of their past.

Back in Germany, a highly nationalist government was formed, called the Free German Republic. As for now, relations between the Waldstätte Pact and the Global Workers Organization have greatly improved, due to both alliances being left out by the League of Countries. There have even been talks of plans to reunited England, under a socialist and nationalist government, compromising both sides.
