Alternative History Wiki

The Lonely Rodilos Adventures Series 1

Once upon a time there lived a boy called Rodilos and he was always lonely. No one will let him play with them but he doesn’t know why. He is good at everything but no one will want to play with him. He thinks that no one likes him because he’s a clever clog. When he went home he told his mum that no one would want to play with him and his mum said to not worry and tell the teacher so that they will sort this problem. Rodilos didn’t want to tell the teacher about his friends not letting him play with him but suddenly an idea popped into his head that if he got some potions and dust he could make imaginary friends and play with them like friends so he asked his mum to buy some special dust and potions from a shop. So he bought the things and went to his room and when he finished he started giving names to them like Manny and Robin and those were his two best friends and they had a happy time together. When he went to school no one saw his imaginary friends until when it was science time Manny and Robin got silly and destroyed everything and made heaps of new friends. Firstly it was a disaster the a total meltdown and when the principal came he was so angry he told Rodilos to clean up everything for the whole afternoon or leave the science club and Rodilos chose to spend his afternoon cleaning the whole science lab. After he went home his mum asked him where has he been to and he said that Manney and Robin messed up the science lab and he got into trouble so he had to clean up the lab. So while Manney and Robin got detention Rodilos watched television after having a shower. Then the next morning Rodilos woke up and saw the time and he was 20 mins late for school and when he went to Manney and Robin’s room he could not find them and thought that they might be at school already. So he showered and got ready for school and had a quick breakfast. Then he walked to school (which was a bit far) and it was his assembly and when he went to the hall but when he got there his assembly finished and lost all his friends because they had new friends.

Now that is the of this story and find out what happens next in The Lonely Rodilos Series 2.

The End
