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Hovenstadt, officially the Hoven republic, is a country in South America, occupying a large portion of the Andes, the Amazon's westernmost borders and a strip of Pacific coastline. With its capital being the city of El Dorado and the official language German, Hovenstadt in a strong regional power in Southern America.

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Official flag of Hovenstadt.


Age of Absolutism (1558-1701)[]

The history of Hovenstadt goes back to the mid 16th century, when the colony was founded along the Pacific coastline by settlers from Oldenburg. As time went on, the colony, which was sitting right next to the Andes, expanded in that direction, and mountain villages were built to connect the colony closer. However, a Spanish explorer serving the French crown spoke of a legend often known among the natives. The legend of El Dorado, the lost city of gold.Such legends were mere peasants humor to the European nations, who didn't bother with wide-scale expeditions into the Amazon jungle.


El Dorado, the lost city of gold.

Not to Albert Schneider though, governor of the Hovenstadt colony. He assembled an expedition into the Amazon jungle to search for the legendary city. In the evening of April 28th 1624, the expedition members, tired, restless and marching through the Amazon jungle, stumbled upon a hill, and saw in the distance, a speck of gold. They ran through the jungle like never before, and upon reaching the gold, saw with their own eyes, El Dorado - the legendary lost city was real!

The natives of the city welcomed the explorers, believing them to be Gods, by their Germanic genes, tall height, blonde/brown hair and blue eyes. Many ceremonies were held, and the natives crowned , head conquistador of the expedition, as their leader, celebrating throughout the night. The expedition spent approximately 2 weeks in the city, and its members often quoted this as the "happiest time of our lives".

Alternate map of El Dorado colony

The Hovenstadt colony in 1693.

When it came time for the expedition to leave so as to inform the governor and the crown of the amazing discovery, the natives, who had now been taught much of the German language, and the German expeditionary members learning theirs, said all their farewells, and set off back into the Amazons, mapping the region so as to be able to find their way back.

Upon returning to the colony again and informing the governor, Albert Schneider immediately sent a message to the King of Oldenburg, which sent a message back, saying that he was coming down himself in a ship.

By the time he had reached the colony, he traveled along a recently made path through the Amazon, and was dazzled by the sights of El Dorado, and named the city capital of the Hovenstadt colony.

As the colonists moved into El Dorado, they constructed new buildings and introduced the natives to European and Asian cuisine; Sauerkraut and Chicken Schnitzel was very popular among them. Meanwhile, other South American colonies were very envious of the city of gold, and waged multiple colonial wars against Oldenburg. But luckily, Oldenburg had powerful allies, and Hovenstadt's colonial army, also hiring natives who knew the terrain well, was very strong. To put as much distance between the capital and other potentially hostile powers, Hovenstadt expanded further into the Amazons, and built many castles in the mountains and forests to defend against future attacks.

Age of Enlightenment (1702-1821)[]


Ancient city found in the Andes which inspired further expeditions for lost cities - pictured in 1716.

Hovenstadt flourished in the Age of Enlightenment, bringing much wealth from its resources, and making Oldenburg the strongest colonial power in the world at the time. Feared by other colonies for its notoriously territorial and disciplined colonial army, Hovenstadt was a force to be reckoned with.

Expanding through trade and expansion, the colony was Oldenburg's strongest and most powerful, although towards the turn of the 18th century, ideas of independence began popping up in the minds of its inhabitants, although Hovenstadt's cordial relationship with Oldenburg couldn't be broken, so peaceful independence seemed the best idea.

Industrial Revolution and Independence (1822-1916)[]


Coastal city of Wulkei, 1889.

As the Industrial Revolution ramped up, Hovenstadt benefited enormously, building multiple cities in the Andes and Amazons that were trade hubs, even in some rural cities, natives came and regularly traded with the Europeans, and from this, Germans often mixed with natives, bringing children who had both German and native American ancestry.

Hovenstadt had two gold rushes in 1836 and 1849, both hugely improving the economy and making the colony even stronger. It was then that Hovenstadt, seeing all the other South American countries gaining independence, asked the Oldenburg king if they could be made independent, but would still be linked to the Crown. The king refused, but the queen convinced him to promise Hovenstadt independence upon the succession of their son to the Throne.


Opening of the government of Hovenstadt, 1911.

Finally, the king died in 1910, and the queen followed shortly after. With that, Hovenstadt was made into an independent state on February the 29th, 1911. However, they now had to adjust to being independent. Their army was too feared to be attacked, but they took caution just in case. Hovenstadt and the recently-independent Amazonas formed an alliance, both being former colonies of Oldenburg.

Advancement and Jaeger Regime (1917-1981)[]

In 1922, The nation of Yumiers, formerly colonized by Morroco, invaded Amazonas, Hovenstadt's ally, and war was on. Hovenstadt's army crossed the Andes and took city after city, while the other half of the army traversed through the Amazon jungle, using sudden attacks on the Yumier army. The war finally ended in 1931, with the capture of the Yumier capital, and in the peace treaty that was signed, Hovenstadt gained land in the Andes and southern Amazon.

Landing at war 03

Hoven troops advance through the Amazon jungle.

In 1937, Hovenstadt adopted a Fascist government under the leadership of Reinhard Jaeger, and during the communist German invasions of Europe, Hovenstadt provided immense military equipment and support to France and Oldenburg. Hovenstadt signed the Waldstätte Pact in 1977, joining the organization, and Jaeger died in 1981, and with his death came the rise of Weber to power.

Modern Era (1982-present)[]

Alfred Weber maintained good relations with Europe, although was a known anti-communist, purging out the communist party of Hovenstadt, much to the disgust of the Global Workers Association, which heavily sanctioned the nation.

Throughout Alfred Weber's leadership, Hovenstadt increased its military presence in the Pacific Ocean, joining the Pacific Trade Organization and increasing investment in the armed forces.

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Hoven warplane flying closely over a Yumier vessel intruding into Hovenstadt's sea territory.

After Weber's death in 2015, Wolfgang Dreschner rose to power; aged 26 at the time of his inauguration, Wolfgang is the youngest world leader, and has been very popular among the youth of Hovenstadt. As of recently, minor border conflicts have opened up between Yumiers and Hovenstadt, although other South Americans countries have acted as mediators between the two powers to secure peace.
